Investor Relations
A global leader in metal recycling and environmental protection
Executive Committee
The Board has established the Executive Committee with terms of reference, which is responsible for the management and administration of the business of the Company and any matters which are within the ordinary course of the Company's business under the control and supervision of the Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Reference of Chiho Environmental Group Limited for ensuring a high standard of corporate governance and compliance of the Company. On 19 March 2012, the Board adopted a set of the revised terms of reference of the Executive Committee, which has included changes in line with the New CG Code's new requirements effective from 1 April 2012. The written terms of reference of the Executive Committee are available on the Stock Exchange's website and Company's website.
The Executive Committee consists of Mr. Tu Jianhua, Mr. Qin Yongming, Mr. Miao Yu, Mr. Yao Jietian, the Executive Directors of the Company, and is chaired by Mr. Qin Yongming.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee was established in June 2010 with written terms of reference in compliance with the Old CG Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. On 19 March 2012, the Board adopted a set of the revised terms of reference of the Audit Committee, which has included changes in line with the New CG Code's new requirements effective from 1 April 2012. The written terms of reference of the Audit Committee is available on the Stock Exchange's website and Company's website. The primary duties of the Audit Committee include reviewing and supervising the financial reporting process and internal control procedures of the Group and nominating and monitoring external auditors.
The Audit Committee consists of Prof. Li Zhiguo, Prof. Yan Guowan and Mr. Szeto Yuk Ting, the Independent Non-Executive Directors, and is chaired by Prof. Yan Guowan.
Nomination Committee
The Company established the Nomination Committee in June 2010 with written terms of reference in compliance with the Old CG Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. On 19 March 2012, the Board adopted a set of the revised terms of reference of the Nomination Committee, which has included changes in line with the New CG Code's new requirements effective from 1 April 2012. The written terms of reference of the Nomination Committee are available on the Stock Exchange's website and Company's website.
The Nomination Committee comprises Mr. Qin Yongming and Mr. Miao Yu, the Executive Directors and Prof. Li Zhiguo, Prof. Yan Guowan and Mr. Szeto Yuk Ting, the Independent Non-Executive Directors, and is chaired by Mr. Qin Yongming.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee was established in June 2010 with written terms of reference in compliance with the Old CG Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. On 19 March 2012, the Board adopted a set of the revised terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee, which has included changes in line with the New CG Code's new requirements effective from 1 April 2012. The written terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee are available on the Stock Exchange's website and Company's website. The primary duties of the Remuneration Committee include making recommendations to the Board on the remuneration packages and conditions of employment for the Directors and senior management and evaluating and making recommendations on employee benefit arrangements.
The Remuneration Committee consists of Mr. Miao Yu, the Executive Director and Prof. Li Zhiguo, Prof. Yan Guowan and Mr. Szeto Yuk Ting, the Independent Non-Executive Directors, and is chaired by Mr. Szeto Yuk Ting.
Strategy and Investment Committee
The Company established the Strategy and Investment Committee on 21 December 2015 with written terms of reference in compliance with the CG Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules.The written terms of reference of the Strategy and Investment Committee are available on the Company's website.
The Strategy and Investment Committee comprises Mr. Tu Jianhua, Mr. Qin Yongming, Mr. Miao Yu, Mr. Yao Jietian, the Executive Directors, and is chaired by Mr. Qin Yongming.
Pricing Committee
The Company established the Pricing Committee in June 2010 to review and determine the offer and selling prices of the Group's physical stock as well as the Group's hedging positions requirements on a daily basis; to enhance the risk management of commodity price fluctuations and to ensure an effective risk monitoring system.
The Pricing Committee comprises Mr. Qin Yongming, Mr. Miao Yu, Mr. Yao Jietian and other senior management of the Company.